GROUP 11 ( Semester 2 )

Hello guys back with me "Andika Bhayangkara",here I will give a summary of English materials from group 11 ( Narrative Cast Leaf ).

Aulia Ramadhani
Sefriyan Reynaldi

  • Opening

The opening of their presentation opened it by singing along with Indonesian National Mandatory Song :  ''Pantang Mundur''

Lyrics :

Kulepas dikau pahlawan
Kurelakan dikau berjuang
Demi keagungan negara
Kanda pergi ke medan jaya

Bila kanda teringat
Ingatlah adik seorang
Jadikan daku semangat
Terus maju pantang mundur

Air mata berlinang
Karena bahagia
Putera pertama lahir sudah
Kupintakan nama padamu pahlawan

Sembah sujud ananda
Dirgahayulah kakanda
Jayalah dikau pahlawan
Terus maju pantang mundur

  • News
  • Material ( Narrative Cast Leaf )
=> The story is set in Greenwich Village during a pneumonia epidemic. It tells the story of an old artist who saves the life of a young neighboring artist, dying of pneumonia, by giving her the will to live. Through her window she can see an old tree (growing against a nearby wall), gradually shedding its leaves as autumn turns into winter, and she has taken the thought into her head that she will die when the last leaf falls.
  • Video
  • Quiz
  • Execise

Answer the questions in page 157

  • Short Movie

Synopsis :  This short film tells a woman who is speechless who feels the sadness in her life, but when she is alone there is a man who reminds her that life in the world is not alone.

  • Closing

The closing presentation was using Indonesian song ( Bungong Jeumpa )

Lyrics :

Bungong jeumpa bungong jeumpa meugah di Aceh
Bungong teuleube, teuleube indah lagoinaBungong jeumpa bungong jeumpa meugah di AcehBungong teuleube, teuleube indah lagoina
Puteh kuneng meujampu mirahBungong si ulah indah lagoinaPuteh kuneng meujampu mirahBungong si ulah indah lagoina
Lam sinar buleun lam sinar buleun angeen peu ayonLuroh meususon, mesuson nyang mala-malaLam sinar buleun lam sinar buleun angeen peu ayonLuroh meususon, mesuson nyang mala-mala
Keubit that meubee meunyoe tatem comLeupah that harom si bungong jeumpaKeubit that meubee meunyoe tatem comLeupah that harom si bungong jeumpa

  • Vocabulary
