Hello guys back with me "Andika Bhayangkara", here i will give a summary of English materials chapter 5 (Letter Writing).

Group 5

Andika Bhayangkara
Dinda Aisyah
Alya Efrida
Mohamad Daffa
Pramuditha faren

(1) Opening

the opening of their presentation opened it by singing along with Indonesian National Mandatory Songs

Lyrics :
Sorak-sorak bergembira
Bergembira semua
Sudah bebas negeri kita
Indonesia merdeka

Indonesia merdeka
Menuju bahagia
Itulah tujuan kita
Untuk slama-lamanya (2X)

(2) News
       There is no news in their group

(3) Material
Letter Writing


       There is no video in their group

(5) Quiz 

(6) Exercise

       their groups give assignments to make a letter

(7) Short Movie

There is no short movie in their group

(8) Closing

The closing presentation was using Indonesian folk song

Lyrics :

Lir ilir, lir ilir
Tandure wis sumilir
Tak ijo royo-royo tak senggo temanten anyar
Cah angon-cah angon penekno blimbing kuwi
Lunyu-lunyu yo penekno kanggo mbasuh dodotiro
Dodotiro-dodotiro kumitir bedhah ing pinggir
Dondomono jlumatono kanggo sebo mengko sore
Mumpung padhang rembulane
Mumpung jembar kalangane
Yo surako
Surak iyo

(9) Vocabulary


  1. Thank You Daffa.This chapter' purpose is step make a lettter writing and give a aim a letter writing.


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